
Finish Pond Construction

Now that the framework is complete, we can finish up the pond and add some water.
This is day #2

Starting at the lowest point, start laying out the blocks leveling as you go.  Stagger the next course (I also used adhesive to stick the blocks together)

This is the 2nd course, two more to go before the liner.
Once we reached the level of the water line, we stuck on some padding to help cushion the pond liner

The next step was to pull the liner over the pond and align it as close to center as possible.  Taking one section at a time begin making nice folds to make the liner conform the the shape of the hole.  Adding water as you go (and some rocks to help hold things in-place) keep pulling and folding until it is a flat as possible.

Once the level of the water reached the last course of blocks, we installed the final row of block and landscape ties.
Some finish trimming and planting some flowers completes the pond.

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